Top Kentucky Derby Traditions
Have you ever wondered what makes the Kentucky Derby unique? The Kentucky Derby is much more than a 2 minute race and more than just the first leg of the Triple Crown. The Run for the Roses is a celebration of thoroughbred racing in the thoroughbred racing capital of the world. If you have ever watched the Kentucky Derby, you have noticed women who wear big hats and colorful dresses and men dressed up in suits accompanying them. These traditions are what keep people coming back each year.
The top Kentucky Derby Tradition is the Mint Julep. This concoction of Kentucky Bourbon and mint is the official drink of the Kentucky Derby. It is a tradition to drink Mint Juleps while you are at the Derby. Some bourbon connoisseurs believe that bourbon should never be mixed with anything. Try a Mint Julep at your Kentucky Derby party and you can decide for yourself.

In Louisville, the KentuckyDerby is much more than a race. There is an entire festival of events that take place before the Derby including a marathon, the world’s largest fireworks show which is named Thunder Over Louisville and many other events that are designed to bring the community together and celebrate the arrival of the Kentucky Derby.
Last but definitely not least, one of the oldest Kentucky Derby traditions is betting on the Kentucky Derby. Of course betting online is just become popular over recent years, but going back to the first Kentucky Derby race there has always been live betting by wealthy business men. If you want to keep it moving in 2014 then you can bet on the Kentucky Derby online too just like our ancestors before us did minus the Internet part.