Kentucky Derby Online Betting 2024

Best Online Horse Betting Sites

The running of the Kentucky Derby is on the first Saturday in May each year at Churchill Downs and is one of the most popular races in the horse racing world. It is common practice for people who do not pay attention to horse racing, make the time to watch the Kentucky Derby. With the field of horses, it’s one of the hardest races to handicap; however, if you have the right information and know how to use it, your tickets can gain you a lot of cash, betting the Kentucky derby.

When handicapping the international races such as the Kentucky Derby there are some loss-making scenarios to avoid. Pay close attention to the international races from which the derby entrants are coming. Look at how the horses performed on their home turfs leading to the big day. Take note of how well they raced as well as how poorly they showed.

The horses are put through their paces 10 days before the derby and this means that all the prep races and they are having their workouts so that the media and well connected patrons can view the horses’ performance. No matter how fantastic these workouts are don’t put too much weight on them, remember how each horse raced in the prep races and use this for the basis of for your decision. Now if the horse is having an excellent workout and appearing undefeatable in the prep races leading to the derby that is just icing on the cake. These horses entering the derby are all physically fit regardless of the last few workouts actually most trainers are just trying not to build their horses up before the big show.

Then there is also the post position draw for the derby to consider along with other big stakes races. Again, these are tips for if you plan to bet on the Kentucky Derby in person, however if you are looking for the best online horse betting sites because you want to bet from home then check out our Kentucky Derby reviews. The Kentucky Derby has now dedicated significant coverage time for this. There are a variety of horses that are broken down into various post positions to win the derby. The post positions that you should focus on are the 1st and 20th. The 20th is better than the 1st since the horse really has no say in whether it is shuffled around. Clearly, the post position is not the most critical matter in becoming a Derby winner; however, the condition of the horse next to you can influence the eventual outcome of the race. If your selection is a speed type or stalker you want dead closers around you. Your horse can get out of the way of those breaking to either side. If there is stretch runner you want speed horses breaking next to you so they will quickly get out of your way.

By understanding and recognizing the profile of the modern day Kentucky Derby champion you can go through each horse finding the legitimate contenders.
The Kentucky Derby can be difficult to handicap but with these tips you should be at the betting window cashing your tickets outside of the millions of people who just miss it.

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