Kentucky Derby Infield
There are some things you just can’t afford to miss on Kentucky Derby and one of them is the old, traditional entrance through one of the tunnels. Back in the days, it seemed like a good idea because there wasn’t a lot of people watching the event, but nowadays, when thousands and thousands of people just want to get in, it becomes one dirty, muddy and atrocious place to be in with the smell of cheap beer, people puking and dirty t-shirts all around the floor. If you don’t have a problem with this, now look at this concern. Just imagine there is a way of getting an infinite amount of tickets for a derby, how would that look? Well, that is the thing that happened this year, the organizers have made available an unlimited number of tickets for the fans of around the world. So our advice is to watch your way and keep your eyes open.
The history of the field that this event happens on is the following. There wasn’t a lot before 1900, actually, it was a potato field that was renovated in a way that it could provide a terrain for future horse events. The history began when the Colonel Matt J. Winn saw a popular jockey Oliver Lewis ride his horse and later winning the event. That inspired him and later that field/camp after being auctioned as the potato field nobody wants was bought to shelter soldiers from WWII and it was named in the honor of Colonel Winn. Today, it is the home of many traditional events besides the Kentucky Derby. It is the home of Volleyball tournament, Derby Party, and many Boy Scout events.

Locally, this event is just called a Derby, and it is the place where a lot of families come to relax and have a look at this traditional event. If you want special tickets, with an extra fine view you can pay about $40 and enjoy this beautiful close view (but take care, at the end of the day you may be muddy).
As time progresses, and the technology and the internet become one of the vital parts of our lives, it also incorporates itself in this wonderful big event called Kentucky Derby. If you are not able to see this event live, you can search on youtube or some other search engine “Derby Infield Parties”. You may get the feel that you’re there, but if you don’t live it through, you don’t know what real Derby is.
very interesting topic, great post.