Considering the Laws of Horse Cruelty
When it comes down to acknowledging animal cruelty among horses used for breeding purposes in sports, there would always be animal rights activists poking their noses in trying to determine whether or not the accepted requirements are met. More commonly, the Humane Society of the United States has had occasion to deliver a more profound sense of animal rights due to the lax management structure of certain horse breeding societies.
The Theory: The activists claim that almost all the horse breeding organizations are cruel to the animals in question. They tend to force the poor creatures into submission in order to produce a more competitive build.

However, most folks don’t necessarily coerce an individual horse into mating with a plausible partner. Mating is more of a natural process than a forced one. Their offsprings are generally categorized into their respective breeds after birth.
However, for some reason, the activists cannot really comprehend the importance of the sport. Unlike popular notion, horse racing and breeding is not as simple as it sounds. There are many more factors involved in breeding a particular type of horse than those already mentioned.
The Actions: PETA, a well-known animal rights organization, claimed the abuse of race horses in Japan. They backed their claims with a video feed that decidedly proved the claim – close to 20000 thoroughbreds slaughtered for fulfilling the rising food consumption rate. Nonetheless, breeding stock is still exported to the country from Kentucky, though it may be below the required rate.
Thus, the animal rights activists are not all in the wrong. They do have credible proofs to back their claims. However, that is all on the other side of the world while we sit pretty on our finely-bred horses, enjoying our daily dose of racing and betting. But it is the export of sport animals from our state that had given rise to that descent in Japan in the first place. Food for thought, eh!