Internet Wagering Preakness Stakes
Tomorrow is just a day away, and so is the 2012 Preakness Stakes! Whether you have been waiting for the Preakness Stakes since last year, or just from earlier this month after I’ll Have Another won the Kentucky Derby, this Saturday’s Preakness Stakes should be one for the ages. On Saturday, May 19th, 2012 the 137th running of the Preakness Stakes will take place from Pimlico, Baltimore. There will be many in attendance, and countless others glued to their television sets. The feel good story two legs into the Triple Crown has to be that of I’ll Have Another’s quick rise to fame coming from Hastings Parkway, all the way to winning the 2012 Kentucky Derby his first time out at Churchhill Downs. The popular vote has to be backing I’ll Have Another going into Saturday however professional horse racing handicappers have all picked one of Bodemeister or Creative Cause to be the front runners in online betting Preakness Stakes Internet wagering in the 137th Preakness Stakes for 2012! Whether you are wagering a lot or a little this Triple Crown, we believe that the smart wagers are being placed not on I’ll Have Another, but one of the other front runners as we will discuss below.

No matter which part of the world you live in or where you will be watching the Preakness Stakes, this running of the race is expected to be one of the most watched Preakness Stakes races in the history of television. Some pretty big hype going into Saturday’s race so let’s hope these guys don’t let us down. Many of our visitors have e-mailed us regarding the long shot Cozetti in Preakness Stakes betting odds. Cozetti is currently sitting at 33/1 wagering lines to finish first in the Preakness Stakes and although I’ll Have Another was also an underdog going into the Kentucky Derby, we don’t expect even a decent showing for Cozetti so stay away from betting on him. Taking a look at current Internet wagering Preakness Stakes for online betting we like Creative Cause’s current ranking and starting position. Creative Cause currently has been posted as a 6/1 online betting favorite for the Preakness Stakes. All things considering, these are some pretty juicy Stakes Preakness odds. When we say all things considering we are referring to having I’ll Have Another and Bodemeister more likely favorites to beat out Creative Cause. If something should happen where both I’ll Have Another and Bodemeister come up lame in the 2012 Preaknees Stakes then Creative Cause would be the best bet out there which is why we are saying wagering on Creative Cause for the online betting Preakness Stakes has to be the best wager online at the moment. $10 will get you a return of $60 plus your original $10 bet.