Kentucky Derby Speed Figures
Many bettors needing help placing your Kentucky Derby bets often have no idea what Kentucky Derby speed figures are so our plan today is to enlighten you on how Kentucky Derby speed figures can help you with your Kentucky Derby online betting picks and predictions ensuring a positive result. Worst case scenario, you just won’t lose as much!
When you are using all of the tools at your disposal to handicap horse races, you should always look at the speed figures of the runners of this year’s Kentucky Derby in order to formulate your prediction for the race. Bovada has the web’s premier race book and the site will have in depth coverage and tips regarding the Kentucky Derby. While you should weigh in speed figures, betting on speed figures alone will probably not net you a profit. More often than not, you’ll be betting on horses who are the favorites to win the race anyways and those horses never pay good betting odds.

The best thing about the Derby is that there is no clear cut favorite to win. In many smaller horse racing venues, you will see horses that have speed figures that blow away the competition and they will be assigned 1/5 betting odds. It’s doubtful that the Derby will have a horse so heavily favored and the favorite will probably be about a 3/1 shot to win. No matter what tools you use to handicap the 2013 Kentucky Derby, you should always bet on the horse you think will win at Bovada odds come from an online racebook that is one of the most trusted online racebooks and casinos on the internet.